Friday, July 2, 2010

Finding Motivation

I need to find motivation to start producing videos. The job always seems what I blame my lack of doing work on, but really it's not that. Even on days off I fucking just wake up at noon or later and end up hating myself, then I just sit on the internet all damn day and do nothing. It's really obnoxious and I need to find a way to change that. I can't sit here and be pissed at myself for not having any videos doen when I'm not even making a basic attempt to go out and shoot something.

Next I always say I have nothing to shoot. Really it's that I don't have a cool car to shoot and practice what I want to actually do work on shooting. However I can still get a better grasp of cinematography by just shooting anything. Composition is a really important part of making great video and while I have a basic grasp on it, my bouts in still photography have shown that I still have a lot to learn. Getting out there and shooting more is the only way that is going to happen.

Next I need to find MY style. I need to get my look. My feel. I need to find what's going to set my video apart form the rest when people view it. You may not know exactly what I'm talking about, but ultimately when you watch a truly good piece of video, your brain decodes that look and makes it pleasing to your thoughts. All those videos I posted before, most of them have a look. A couple don't but that's because I think those artists are right on the verge of finding theirs. It's something that once you nail, you keep it.

All in all I guess I just have to get out there and do it. I'll shoot random stuff here and there and practice. There's other stuff I'd like to get to add to my bag of tricks, but there's no reason why I can't go out right now and make something fun to watch. I just need that motivation.

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