Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So it's been an interesting journey with the Tiburon to say the least. I've only owned it for a little over a year and already my ideas of what to do with it have changed a million and a half times. First I wanted to make it fast then realized that'd take a lot more money than I felt I wanted to spend, then I got it to a place where I liked it for a while, but of course the itch came back and I needed to do something else to it. A little tinkering here and there helped push back the urge for something big, but still I didn't feel like the car was right. Then came the urge to try and sell it and get a BMW, an urge that I actually still feel but is completely unrealistic. I grew rather complacent with it and my lack of an ability to do something big or really nice to it so it stayed the way it was for a while. Then I found Stanceworks and fell in love with really really low cars. So I decided well that's it, new wheels and suspension for the Tib and she'll be complete. Well, those parts aren't cheap. Coilovers are going to run about 700 on the cheap side to 1800 for a good set, and wheels and tires will probably be close to 2 grand. Thing is, the way I figure, I'm stuck with this car for a while, so I have a lot of time to save. I've tinkered with stuff for the last time I believe and gotten a pretty solid look for the car which only needs the wheels and coilovers to complete it. With that said, I reveal to you the wheels and coilovers I believe I'm gonna rock.

Megan Racing Coilovers.
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Axis Halo Wheels In Gold

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