Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Changes for Others

Why is it that we are so ready to change ourselves for other people, but not necessarily ourselves? Things that have been broken New Years resolutions year after year are readily attacked if we perceive someone else will approve of it and make them more willing to like us. I guess if it's something we had originally wanted to do and this person was just the final motivator then it's a good thing, however what about those changes you make based upon your interpretation of the others opinion? In that case it is often said that you should only ever change yourself if you want to, not for someone else. What about people who believe that it's impossible for other people to change? I've never personally believed in that myself, but some do. Can they themselves change to obtain the approval of a peer? It could even be slight, but it's a change, maybe just dropping a bad habit, or changing up a step in their routine.

Anyhow, I guess like most stuff I write, I'm not going anywhere with this however it's interesting to think about. It's late, I'm gonna go to bed.

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